A big "butt."

Dad and Olivia at the "butts."

Imogen sacked out in the heat.

Some of our monkeys...Ben, Bria, Hannah, Nina and Zach.

Giant snow cones to share! I love how Tates' mouth is wide open and Hannah is staring at him.

She now refuses to let anyone feed her. She has to do it herself.

The baby elephant.
Clayton and I were so excited to take Olivia to the zoo to see the real elephants, or "butts" as she calls them. She even wore her pink elephant shirt for the special occasion.
All the little cousins on my side of the family were there, and it was by far the hottest day yet of this summer. So we ended the day with some huge snow cones, yum!
p.s. If you go to the zoo before the end of September, stop by a Jiffy Lube for a Summer Blast Pass. It gives you a free child admission for every adult admission. With all the adults we had in our group, all of my kids got in for FREE. Love that.
{Why is adult admission more than child admission anyway? Do they think we actually enjoy it more than the kids? I don't get that.}
This is when I miss living up there. Looks so fun! Miss you guys! Tell Cami hello from us!