Eating at Ruth's Diner. Clayton can even make himself laugh!

Yay! No kids! At least for a couple nights.

One of my favorites of Clayton from our "photo date."

34 weeks and counting down!

Funny things in this hardware shop.

I want these lights!

My view of my feet these days.

Clayton buying my new doorbell at this quirky little shop, Silver Star Hardware.

"Wouldn't this be so cool?" Checking out Cactus & Tropicals.

Wishing I had a money tree while shopping Anthropologie.

Love the packaging on these.

My cute new doorbell, aka, "a little piece of our anniversary on our house," Clayton said.
13 years of marriage and we still love each other!
What a fun weekend we just had...lots of eating out, uninterrupted conversations, and sleeping in. LOVED it.
Eating at Ruth's Diner up Emigration Canyon was perfect, such a cozy atmosphere out on the patio with live music, white lights strung through the big trees, and clean mountain air. Shopping at the Gateway {namely, Anthropologie, my FAVE, where I got this yummy lotion I'm obsessing over} and getting waffle cones was followed by a late night swim at the downtown hotel. It was a good laugh trying to squeeze my 34 week pregnant body into a swim suit! Not a pretty sight.
Breakfast at noon at Millcreek Cafe and Eggworks couldn't have been better...we definitely want to go there again. Then off for shopping at little random shops where we bought a cute doorbell! I know, I did say random, didn't I? We went to Robin Hood at the dollar theater, and had fun people watching there {let's just say that Sugarhouse has some interesting people at the movies}. We managed to do a little "photo date" as our friend Chris calls it, and snapped some pics of each other, just for the record. Stopped by Cactus and Tropicals just to get ideas for the yard, drove past the little house where we lived in the basement when Ben was born, and Trolley Square to check out new glasses for Clayton. Didn't buy any, but had fun trying them on. Meanwhile, my sister Hailey called and said, "I hate to bother you, but Olivia just threw up all over the front of me." Crap. "Just go to Mom's, she'll help you!" I said. Isn't that terrible?
Park City Outlets=New Shoes That I Desperately Needed For Church.
Then we followed the advice of the guy at the hotel desk there in Park City and took the bus up to Main Street. Italian sodas {also my fave}, iceberg wedge salads and pizza at Cisero's...I couldn't eat it all, my stomach is so squished these days, but oh my gosh, it was good stuff. Then we couldn't find the bus stop back down until it went flying by us with the lights flashing on the front "LAST BUS." So we had to pay a dang stupid taxi instead. Lame!
Had a good laugh watching a Saturday Night Live rerun...we don't have DishNetwork, so it was new to us. "The Mellow Show with Jack Johnson," hahaha!
Saturday morning we were talking about how it was nice to not wake up to fighting in the hallway. See, usually the kids are up before us and being really loud in the hallway outside our bedroom. So it was nice to have some peace and quiet for once.
But we spoke too soon, because Sunday morning, there was a fight in the hallway. Of the hotel. A woman screaming and raging and throwing things against the walls. It woke us up. NICE.
So much for that idea!
We headed up Park City Main Street again and grabbed a quick breakfast at a little cafe {fresh orange juice, crepes, and pastries}, where we spotted these awesomely packaged chocolate bars.
Thanks Hailey, Mom, and Erika for taking care of the kids!
Looks like you guys had a great time... as long as the favor goes both ways! Ha! just kidding... I barely watched them and I would watch them anytime:) (especially when baby boy pops out!)