"I hav thes litl sisr hr name is Nina she mac's me lafe she is 1 yestrday she got into the pot's and pans hse mad same suop."
-Ben, 1st grade

"I shuvled the drivwa." -Ben, 1st grade

"I got a pocitnife for Christmas." -Ben, 1st grade

"Yestrday I want to the cabin. I was helping bild the pipes and (it) was raning. And I did some of the alekchrek (electrical work)." -Ben, 1st grade

"I think I'm a good bildr." -Ben, 1st grade

Ben's 2007-08 Reflections Contest Winner! "I Can Make a Difference By Planting Seeds."
2nd grade

A little Norwegian paper doll Ben made for his Norway report, 2nd grade.

Hannah's drawing of musical instruments, age 6. "Chrumpit, Xilafon, Dram and Peano."

A self portrait on the potty, by Hannah, age 5. She is saying, "Wipe me mom." Nice.

A menu by Hannah, age 6. "Rabeyoley (ravioli). Pasta. Coorn chawder. Pancacks. Eggs. Sallid. Froot. Hot Dogs. Toast. Barbecoo. Pizza. Vegeys. Sasejes. Metbolls. Hambergess. Timato."

What the heck? Some love and a hot dog, by Hannah, age 5.

"do NOT come in I am doing somthing and you are not alowd to come in and that means you Ben! But you can come in Mom!" -Hannah, age 6

"Pig With a Moustache" -Nina, age 3

"Our Family on the Couch" -Nina, age 3

"Eeyore" puppet (from Winnie-the-Pooh), by Nina, age 3
Last week I decided to finally tackle the eyesore in the corner of my bedroom...the overflowing box of kids' artwork collected over the last few years. I reeeally let it build up this time! I managed to get it all organized over a couple of days, keeping just the favorites. But still I kept a lot. This stuff is just to funny to part with. At some point, I'd really like to use
this great idea with their art.
The kids came in and looked through it with me, and we were all practically peeing our pants from laughing at their old drawings. When I read "chrumpit" I had tears streaming down, it just was so hilarious to me.
Here are a few samples for you, enjoy!
P.S. Clayton's mom recently gave us a fat binder of his elementary school work, and it was filled with good stuff too. My favorite was an "About Me" sheet where he filled in the blanks:
"When it is time for Parent Teacher Conference, I.....want to die." Haha!