Wednesday, October 6, 2010

eleven? already?

But wait! That's not fair! Didn't I just take these pictures...last week?

I'm about a week late posting this, but it's true. Ben is eleven. I am his mom. So therefore you can deduct that I am OLD.

I love this boy so much...we have so much fun just hanging out in the kitchen, laughing about dumb stuff. He's such a good little friend. I can't believe how much he helps me out (when he's in the mood!). Like yesterday he helped me load up a dresser into the van to take to my sister, then he babysat Olivia while I took it to her. Sometimes he just comes up from behind and gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He's such a sweet kid. And I'm so happy I get to be his mom.

I can't believe how fast the last 11 years have gone. I can't think about it too much or it makes me a little sad. In 11 more years he will be almost the age I was when he was born! Yikes! See? I just can't think about it.

So for now I am just grateful that even though he's eleven, he is still a kid. He still loves candy and Legos and video games.

{Then again, so does Clayton.}

We just had a low-key birthday this year. It was a beautiful, HOT day for September 30th. Spent some time at the park with little cousins, went to IKEA with the family to pick up a new dresser for his newly decorated room {finally!}, made his favorite Chicken and Wild Rice Soup, and ate banana splits together while watching Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Funniest movie I've seen in a while by the way!

Happy birthday Ben, we love you.

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