We spent Halloween weekend eating lots of white chicken chili and sipping hot cider {which made the house smell so cozy}. And of course it wouldn't be Halloween at our house without a Harry Potter movie marathon in full swing for a day or two.
Olivia was the cutest White Rabbit ever {thanks Julie!} to go along with Nina, the cutest Alice in Wonderland. Hannah loved her mime costume so much that she wants to do it again next year. Thanks to Aunt Hailey for sponsoring that one! Ben was the best looking little G.I. Joe, complete with camoflauge make-up and plastic binoculars.
My brother Trevor and my sis-in-law Tatum hosted the 6th Annual Haugen Halloween Party, a good time as always. Last year he started a tradition of making a short film to show at the party, and here's this year's film. Haha!
The icing on the cake was that Clay and I won the costume contest this year! I was so excited because I put so much time and thought into it, and I was pretty happy with how it turned out. It was fun being Mary Poppins for a night, and Clayton was the cutest Burt The Chimney Sweep ever. He came in saying in his best chimney sweep accent, "Good evening, governor!" Too bad he couldn't show off his sidewalk chalk drawing abilities, it would've been so perfect!
I made his broom using snippets of Christmas garland which I duct taped around a pipe, then spray painted it black. I found my hat at TJMaxx, then hot-glued the daisies onto it. I already had the scarf, and Hailey let me borrow her coat and lacy-collared blouse {which she was embarassed to admit she owned}, and I picked up my skirt and Clayton's jacket at the D.I. A little black hair spray for me and some charcoal for Clay finished it off just right, dontcha think?
So yeah, we won an awesome gold plastic skeleton statue {yes! haha!}, movie tickets, and the cash that people put into the witch cauldron.
{I already can't wait for next year's party...we've got a pretty good idea for it.}