The hamster cage and goods.

The maze that Ben made in September because he was going to ask Santa to bring hamsters! They are named Lola and Lolly. Olivia freaks whenever she is near them.

Christmas breakfast.

Olivia's new crib and bedding that Santa brought.

Olivia loved the tape more than anything, so Dad kept giving it to her.

Yay! I got a Barbie! (I'm kidding, obviously.)

My cute nephew Sam.

The kitchen at my in-laws new house, isn't it pretty?
Hello friends, I know it seems like I fell off the face of the earth, but believe me I have some good excuses! Christmas was super busy and fun with my sister Cami and her family in town for three weeks. Santa brought the hamsters my kids asked for, and my in-laws finally moved into their beautiful new home which replaces the one which burned down last Christmas. We met cousins at Ikea for "Kids Eat Free" days (nuts!!), and finally got a kitchen table that our family can grow into, I'm so excited. Just need to save up for some new chairs now!
Then as we wrapped up the holidays, my kids began "off track," meaning still no school for 3 more weeks. We have "year-round" school where we live in order to fit all the kids into the schools. So my kids have been home since December 23rd, and they don't go back until this Tuesday, the 26th of January. So basically, when they are off track, my life goes off track! I'm so ready for the routine to set back in, and they are actually excited to go back after so long.
Happy New Year, a few weeks late!